Niels Juul Jensen

+45 26 86 20 00
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Who do we assist?

We assist the management and the owners of the utilities, the industry and interest groups and public authorities as well as companies related to the utility sector.

Examples of customers:

  • Municipalities: Aabenraa, Fakse, Gentofte, Greve, Helsingør, Kalundborg, Middelfart, Odsherred, Ringkøbing-Skjern, Skive, Slagelse, Solrød, Stevns, Svendborg, Sønderborg og Vordingborg kommuner eller kommunale forsyningsvirksomheder.
  • Companies: Aalund Business Research, Danish Waste Association, Bionaturgas Danmark, COWI, Dansk Affald, Dansk Energi, Dong Energy, Eltel Networks, Energnist, ESØ, FH elnet, H.J. Hansen, Kara Noveren, Klintholm, Kommunernes Landsforening, Kommunekemi, L 90, Nakskov Bioenergi, NOMI, RenoDjurs, TAS, Taurage fishery industry, Vandcenter Syd og Vestforbrænding.

UTILITY Management assists utilities with efficiency analyses, business models, mergers and establishment of new companies.